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Issue Logs

2023-24 Issues
AY23-1-D Revise Policy #5201 to Meet Federal Requirements (D) Scholarly Activity and Research In Committee
AY23-2-H Policy on Transferable Course Materials for Asynchronous Online Courses (H) Distance Learning In Committee
AY23-3-H A Faculty Developer of an Online Asynchronous Course has the First Right of Refusal to Teach the Online Course each Semester (H) Distance Learning In Committee
AY23-4-C&D Postdoctoral Policy- Faculty Handbook

(C) Graduate Studies

(D) Scholarly Activity and Research

AY23-5-C Graduate Assistantships (C) Graduate Studies Recommended
AY23-6-F Whether Associate Professor on Tenure-Track is Allowed to Apply for Tenure and Promotion to Full Professor Rank Simultaneously (F) Promotion and Tenure Terminated
AY23-7-I Driver Authorization Process (I) Administration, Finance and Academic Support Services In Committee
AY23-8-B&I Class Schedule Published Before Final Version is Ready

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(I) Administration, Finance, and Academic Support Services

In Committee
AY23-9-B&I Scheduling for Classes

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(I) Administration, Finance and Academic Support Services

In Committee
AY23-10-I Unequitable Parking Fees (I) Administration, Finance and Academic Support Services In Committee
AY23-11-D&H Ownership of Online Classes and Intellectual Property

(D) Scholarly Activity and Research

(H) Distance Learning

In Committee
AY23-12-C Proposal for an MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering (C) Graduate Studies In Committee
AY23-13-C Proposal for Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering (C) Graduate Studies In Committee
AY23-14-C ODU MAT in Secondary Education (C) Graduate Studies Recommended
AY23-15-C ODU MAT in Elementary Education (PreK- Grade 6) (C) Graduate Studies Recommended
AY23-16-F Date to Inform Chair that Lecturer is Seeking Promotion (F) Promotion and Tenure In Committee
AY23-17-I Review of ADA Parking Permit Requirements (I) Administration, Finance and Academic Support Services In Committee
AY23-18-H Exam Proctoring for Online Courses (H) Distance Learning In Committee
AY23-19-I ODU Moving to Close CLRC and Outsource to Third Party (I) Administration, Finance and Academic Support Services In Committee
AY23-20-F Peer Review of Course Portfolio for First Year Faculty Should be Postponed to Their Second Semester of Employment (F) Promotion and Tenure In Committee
AY23-21-F Specifying a Due Date for Faculty Seeking Tenure and Promotion to Inform the Department Chair of Their Intent (F) Promotion and Tenure In Committee
AY23-22-F Harmonize Text in FHB Regarding Eminent Scholar Nominations (F) Promotion and Tenure In Committee
AY23-23-F Promotion in Rank (F) Promotion and Tenure In Committee
AY23-24-F Evaluation of Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, and Master Lecturers and Promotion of Lecturers and Senior Lecturers (F) Promotion and Tenure In Committee
AY23-25-F Reappointment/Annual Review or Non-Reappointment of Faculty (F) Promotion and Tenure In Committee
AY23-26-D Policy#5201 Individual Research Conflict of Interest and Commitment (D) Scholarly Activity and Research In Committee
AY23-27-B Course Repeat Policy (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure In Committee
AY23-28-C Graduate Catalog Edit: "Thesis" and "Dissertation Preparation" (to be edited to "Thesis Design and Preparation" and "Dissertation Design and Preparation") (C) Graduate Studies In Committee
AY23-29-C Graduate Catalog Edit: Graduate Credit for ODU Undergraduates (C) Graduate Studies In Committee
AY23-30-C Graduate Catalog Edit: Thesis Committee and Dissertation Committee (C) Graduate Studies In Committee
AY23-31-B&C Code of Student Conduct

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

In Committee
AY23-32-A New Minor: Health Equity & Social Justice (A) Undergraduate Curriculum & Programs In Committee
AY23-33-C Graduate Catalog Edit: Definition of the Credit Hour (C) Graduate Studies In Committee
AY23-34-C Graduate Catalog Edit: Course Syllabi (C) Graduate Studies In Committee
AY23-35-C Graduate Catalog Edit: Faculty Office Hours (C) Graduate Studies In Committee
AY23-36-C Graduate Catalog Edit: Doctoral Degrees (C) Graduate Studies In Committee
AY23-37-F A Proposal in Support of Academic Freedom: Developing a Path to Tenure for Lecturers (F) Promotion and Tenure In Committee
AY23-38-A&H Online Courses Must be Part of an Online Program to be Scheduled by the Registrar

(A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs

(H) Distance Learning

In Committee
AY23-39-I Nursing Faculty Salary Increases (I) Administration, Finance and Academic Support Services In Committee
AY23-40-Executive Committee University Shared Governance Executive Committee In Committee
2022-23 Issues
AY22-1-F Policy on Promotion of Lecturer to Senior Lecturer (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY22-2-A Use of Previous SLO's for Assessment of G and T Course Proposals (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY22-3-G Term Limits for GPD/UPD Not Limited (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY22-4-F Five Year Teaching Evaluation for Tenured Faculty is Redundant (F) Promotion and Tenure Terminated
AY22-5-G Faculty Senate Review of Policy #6302 Civil and Administrative Leave (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Carried over to Fall 2023
AY22-6-B Establish Final Grade Submission Date (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Approved
AY22-7-G The Lack of Unaffiliated Research Faculty Representation on Executive, Faculty Senate and most University Committees. (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Terminated
AY22-8-F Promotion From Lecturer to Senior Lecturer Review Committee (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY22-9-C Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY22-10-F Lecturer Promotion Committee (F) Promotion and Tenure Carried over to Fall 2023
AY22-11-F Discrepancy Between the Criteria for Rank for Associate Professors and Directions to External Reviewers (F) Promotion and Tenure Not Recommended
AY22-12-F Promotion and Tenure Committee (F) Promotion and Tenure Carried over to Fall 2023
AY22-13-A Proposal for a New BS Degree Program in Data Science (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY22-14-F There is a Needed Clarification on the College Level Full Professor Promotion Committee in Substituted Member Case (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY22-15-I Expanding the Statement on Academic Freedom in the Faculty Handbook (I) Administration, Finance and Academic Support Services Sent back to Committee
AY22-16-G Policy on Dismissal of Faculty from Employment Due to Financial Exigency or Discontinuance of a Program of Study or a Department of Instruction (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY22-17-G Policy on Emeritus/Emerita Appointments (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY22-18-G Policy on Faculty Salary Increments (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Sent Back to Committee
AY22-19-C Master's Examination (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY22-20-C Graduate Program Directors (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY22-21-C Candidacy Examination (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY22-22-C Continuance Policy (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY22-23-C Graduate Assistantship Policy (C) Graduate Studies Recommended
AY22-24-G Proposed Revisions to Guidelines for Named Chairs and Named Professorships (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Sent back to Committee
AY22-25-A Proposal for a New Minor Degree Program in Engineering Solututions for Climate Adaptation and Resilience (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY22-26-G Remote Work Policy for Teaching and Research Faculty (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY22-27-G Proposed Changes to the Policy on Faculty Research and Development Assignments (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY22-28-Ad Hoc Committee Required Revision of ODU Faculty Senate Constitution to Integrate EVMS Faculty Ad Hoc Committee In Committee
AY22-29-C Linked Programs (C) Graduate Studies Recommended
AY22-30-C Enrollment Status (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY22-31-I Policy 6400 Tuition Assistance for Dual- Enrollment Students (I) Administration, Finance & Academic Support Services Carried over to Fall 2023
AY22-32-B Proposed Changes to Standard Class Meeting Times (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Approved
AY22-33-Executive Committee EVHSC@ODU- Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Policies for the School of Medicine and the School of Health Professions Executive Committee Carried over to Fall 2023
AY22-34-A Proposal for a New Interdisciplinary Minor in Data Science (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY22-35-A Proposal for a New Minor in Public Health (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY22-36-B Student Senate Resolution #001 Advancement of the Anti Discrimination Measures Act (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Recommended
AY22-37-F Can Part Time Deans Serve on Promotion and Tenure Committees? (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY22-38-B Proposed Changes to the Policy for Dropping & Withdrawing from Classes (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Approved
AY22-39-A New Composition SLO's for ENGL 110C and 211C (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY22-40-A New Minor in Print Media (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
2021-22 Issues


Annual Faculty Review Inclusion Date(s)

(F) Promotion and Tenure

(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration



Faculty Information Form

(F) Promotion and Tenure



Proposed Revisions to Conversion Policy for Non-Tenure Eligible to Non-Tenure Eligible Clinical Track Position

(F) Promotion and Tenure



Proposed Revisions to Conversion Policy for Non-Tenure Eligible to Tenure-Eligible Position

(F) Promotion and Tenure



Elected Committee for Reappointment Reviews for Non-tenured and Non-tenure-eligible Faculty Members

(F) Promotion and Tenure


AY21-6-C Doctor of Occupational Therapy Program (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY-21-7-F Unsuccessful Application for Position Conversion (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY-21-8-G Modification of Faculty Research and Development Assignment- Teaching Coverage (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Recommended
AY21-9-B and C Disbanding of the Course Cancellation Committee

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

AY21-10-C Graduate Credits by Transfer (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY21-11-C Time Limits (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY21-12-C Re-Validation of Graduate Credit (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY21-13-B&C Guidelines and Procedures for Grade Adjustments for Non-Academic Reasons

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

AY21-14-B&C System of Grading

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

AY21-15-G Eminent Scholar Policy (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
AY21-16-G Renewing Named Chairs and Named Professorships (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Recommended
AY21-17-C Ph.D. in Biology (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY21-18-D Eligibility of Clinical Faculty for the Research Incentives Program and Summer Research Proposal Funding (D) Scholarly Activity and Research Terminated
AY21-19-G The Policy and Timeline Concerning the Eminent Scholar Procedures are Both Unclear and Unreasonable (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Recommended
AY21-20-F Written Explanation for "NO" Votes for Reappointment in the Reappointment/Annual Review Policy for Tenure-Track Faculty. (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY21-21-B Withdraw and SOS's (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Terminated
AY21-22-B&C Proposed Revisions to the Grade Appeal Policy

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

New Minor in Physical Education (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY21-24-A New Minor in Queer Studies (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY21-25-B Review of ODU Policies on Academic Dishonesty (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Carried over to Fall 2023
AY21-26-I Faculty Senate Review of Administrative Leave Policy (I) Administration, Finance and Academic Support Services Handled by the Executive Committee
AY21-27-B&C Student Complaint Procedure

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

AY21-28-F Guidelines for Appointment and Promotion of Librarians (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY21-29-A Student Opinion Surveys (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Recommended
AY21-30-F Lack of Clarity in Definition of Perfomance "Deficiency" (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
AY21-31-B&C Proposed Addition to the Policy on Withdrawal from Classes

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

AY21-32-B&C Proposed Revisions to the Student Complaint Procedure

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

AY21-33-G Initial Appointment of Teaching and Research Faculty (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Recommended
AY21-34-F Policies and Procedures on Post-Tenure Review (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY21-35-B Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and A/AS Level Credit (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Approved
AY21-36-I Sudden Withdrawal and Prolonged Absence Due to Military Mobilization (I) Administration Finance and Academic Support Services Approved
AY21-37-G Faculty Sanctions (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY21-38-G Policy for Review of Academic Degree Programs, Departments or Colleges for the Purpose of Possible Curtailment or Discontinuance

(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration

Approved to leave the policy as is until it can be further reviewed
AY21-39-G Faculty Grievance Policy (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved to leave the policy as is until it can be further reviewed
AY21-40-G Proposed New Policy on Out-of-State Employment for Teaching and Research Faculty (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Terminated
AY21-41-D Policy on Self-Supporting Research Professional Positions (D) Scholarly Activity and Research Recommended
AY21-42-G Additional Revision to Modify Faculty Research and Development Policy on Teaching Coverage (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Recommended
AY21-43-D Guidelines for the Establishment of University Centers and Institutes (D) Scholarly Activity and Research Recommended
AY21-44-A&C Policy on Certificate Programs

(A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs

(C) Graduate Studies

AY21-45-G Revise Initial Appointment of Teaching and Research Faculty (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Carried over to Fall 2023
AY21-46-F Need Added Explanations on Faculty handbook Statement: "Only Faculty Holding the Rank of Full Professor are Eligible to Join the Deliberations and the Vote on Candidates for Promotion to Full Professor." (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2020-21 Issues
AY20-1-F Extension of 3rd Year Review (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
AY20-2-F Assurance of Diversity in P&T Committees (F) Promotion and Tenure Committee Recommended Rejecting the Changes
AY20-3-D Who Owns the Course(s) Content? (D) Scholarly Activity and Research Terminated- No Changes to this Policy are Possible
AY20-4-F Policies on Evaluation of Lecturers and Reappointment (F) Promotion and Tenure Committee Recommended Rejecting the Changes
AY20-5-F Covid 19 Era Promotions and Tenure Policy: A Suggestion and Rationale for an Amended Policy (F) Promotion and Tenure Committee Recommended Rejecting the Changes
AY20-6-C Extension of Graduate Teaching Certification Due to Covid 19 (C) Graduate Studies Withdrawn
AY20-7-D Designation of Eminent Scholar (D) Scholarly Activity and Research Not Approved
AY20-8-C Revisions to the Faculty Handbook Policy on Certification of Faculty for Graduate Instruction (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY20-9-G Undergraduate Program Director (UPD) Summer Compensation for Year Round Academic Programs (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Terminated
AY20-10-F Time Allotted to Review Promotion Dossiers for Master/Senior Lecturers and Annual Review Material for Lecturers (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY20-11-C Changing the Grading for 899 Courses for Math/Stats Department (C) Graduate Studies Returned to issue originator
AY20-12-C Extension of Graduate Teaching Status (C) Graduate Studies Withdrawn
AY20-13-F Input on P & T Committee Letters for Tenure and for Promotion in Rank From Faculty Members Who Did Not Participate in Committee Deliberations. (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
AY20-14-H Proposed Faculty Handbook Language for Research Faculty (H) Nominations and Elections Approved
AY20-15-F Recommended Wording in the Faculty Handbook Concerning Research Faculty Not Being Evaluated on Teaching. (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
AY20-16-C Continuance Policy for Non Degree Students (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY20-17-C Course Load Distribution to be Renamed Credit Hour Distribution with Policy Clarification (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY20-18-C Thesis and Dissertation Committee Structure (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY20-19-C Graduate Certification for Research Center Faculty (C) Graduate Studies Recommended
AY20-20-C Thesis and Dissertation Committee Structure (C) Graduate Studies Duplicate issue to AY20-18-C
AY20-21-F Changes to Schedule for Review for Tenure and Promotion in Rank (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY20-22-G Affiliate Faculty Appointments to Research Centers (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Terminated
AY20-23-B Addition of Syllabus Language for Counseling Services (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Issue not being considered by the Faculty Senate
AY20-24-A New Minor in Media Studies (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY20-25-B&C Certificate Program and Degree Program Approval Requirements

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

Assigned to a taskforce
AY20-26-F Seeking Clarity Regarding Qualifications for Early Tenure (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY20-27-A Approval of Curricular Changes, New Courses and Course Changes (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY20-28-B Code of Student Conduct Review and Proposed Edits Executive Summary (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Recommended
AY20-29-B Proposal to Extend the Withdrawal Deadline to the Last Day of Classes (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Approved
AY20-30-A New Minor in Political Geography (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY20-31-G Overly Narrow Definition of Lecturer Role (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY20-32-C Proposed Revisions to the Graduate Transfer Policy (C) Graduate Studies Terminated
AY20-33-C Revisions to the Faculty Handbook Policy on Additional Graduate Degree Concentrations (C) Graduate Studies Recommended
AY20-34-C Revisions to the Graduate Catalog Policy on the Responsible Conduct of Research (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY20-35-D Eminent Scholar Awards Process College and Gender Disparities in Eminent Scholar Awards (D) Scholarly Activity and Research Approved
AY20-36-C Revision to the Excellence in Graduate Teaching Award (C) Graduate Studies Recommended
2019-20 Issues
AY19-1-F Need Clarification Regarding Guidelines for Co-Authorship, Including Influence on Faculty Evaluation and Impact on Reportable Conflicts of Interest (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY19-2-F Secondary Institutional Affiliations (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY19-3-F Ability to Withdraw From the Tenure Review Process (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY19-4-F Remove Moot Language from Pre-Tenure Process Description in the Handbook (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY19-5-F Multiple Annual Reviews for Conversion of Non-Tenure Eligible Positions to Tenure Eligible Positions or to Non Tenure Eligible Clinical Track Positions (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY19-6-F Schedules for Review of Mid-Year Hires (F) Promotion and Tenure Terminated
AY19-7-A Addition to Syllabus (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Terminated
AY19-8-G Inequity in Teaching Load (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY19-9-G Request inclusion in the Teaching and Research Faculty Handbook of how performance expectations will be articulated for non-tenure-eligible, non-department/school-affiliated research faculty (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY19-10-G Request Faculty Senate Constitution to allow for proportional representation from the Research Centers (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY19-11-F Participation in Committee Deliberations Prior to Voting (F) Promotion and Tenure Terminated
AY19-12-F Conflict of Interest in Tenure and Promotion is Different and there may be a need for a Conflict of Interest Statement Upload in Workflow (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY19-13-F Feedback to Associate Professors Regarding Advancement to Full Professor as a Part of the Annual Review Process (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY19-14-I Accurate Major Counts (I) Administration, Finance, & Academic Support Services Recommended
AY19-15-B Proposed Changes to the Grade Appeal Policy (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Approved
AY19-16-BandC Proposed Changes to the Policy on Administrative Withdrawl from the University

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

AY19-17-G Faculty Complaint Procedure (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Recommended
AY19-18-F Timing of Teaching Portfolio Reviews for Clinical Associate Professors and Clinical Full Professors (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended as Revised
AY19-19-F Timing of Teaching Portfolio Review and Performance Review for Faculty of Practice (F ) Promotion adn Tenure Recommended as Revised
AY19-20-F Confirming Attendance at Promotion and Tenure Committee Meetings (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY19-21-F Criteria or Training for Department Promotion and Tenure Committee Participation (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY19-22-G Policy and Procedures for Minor Sanctions (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Carried over to Fall '21
AY19-23-G Review of Faculty Handbook Policies (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Recommended
AY19-24-B Faculty Code of Conduct (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Approved
AY19-25-F Selection of Chair for Departmental Promotion Committee and its Representative to the College Committee (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY19-26-C Revisions to the Faculty Handbook's Graduate Program Director Policy (C) Graduate Studies Recommended
AY19-27-I Tuition Assistance (I) Administration, Finance and Academic Support Services Recommended
AY19-28-F Is it Possible to Extend the Clock for a Second Time During the Tenure Process Given the Current Circumstances? (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY19-29-C Revisions to Graduate Degree Requirements Section in the Graduate Catalog (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY19-30-A Minor in Entrepreneurship (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY19-31-A Minor in Arabic (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY19-32-A Minor in Studio Art Photography (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
2018-19 Issues
AY18-01-B Undergraduate Program Director Description (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Approved
AY18-02-C Proposed Revisions to the Graduate Assistantship Policy Section on Eligibility (C) Graduate Studies Recommended as Amended
AY18-03-A Proposal for a Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Recommended
AY18-04-I Revisions to the Textbook Adoption and Sales Policy (I) Administration, Finance & Academic Support Services Approved
AY18-05-F Policy on Tenure (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
AY18-06-G Proposed Changes to the Policy on Conversion from Lecturer Ranks to a Non-Tenure Eligible Clinical Track Position Executive Committee Recommended
AY18-07-F Proposed Changes to the Policy on Promotion in Rank (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY18-08-E University Policy on the Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (E) Student Services Recommended as Amended
AY18-09-C Proposal for a Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics (C) Graduate Studies Recommended
AY18-10-G Revisions for "Fitness for Duty" (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Recommeded as Amended
AY18-11-F&G Master Lecturer Annual Reviews and In Depth Reviews

(F) Promotion and Tenure

(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration

AY18-12-C Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Tuition Grants and the Policy on Tuition Waiver (C) Graduate Studies Terminated
AY18-13-F&G Verifying Authenticity and Veracity of Documents and Information Submitted in a Packet/Portfolio for Annual Review

(F) Promotion and Tenure

(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration

AY18-14-G Guidelines for Annual Evaluation When Faculty Do Not Submit FIS (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY18-15-D&G Reviews of Reports from Faculty Research and Development Assignments

(D) Scholarly Activity and Research

(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration

AY18-16-F Voting for Promotion to Full Professor by Representatives of Ad Hoc Department/School Promotion Committees (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
AY18-17-F Alignment of Review Dates for Senior and Master Lecturers (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
AY18-18-F&G Annual Evaluation of Chairs

(F) Promotion and Tenure

(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration

AY18-19-A Proposal for a Bachelor of Science in Education (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Recommended
AY18-20-F Factual Corrections and Meetings with Committees (F) Promotion and Tenure Terminated
AY18-21-F Pretenure: Factual Corrections, Meetings with Committees and Additional Committees and Additional Materials (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
AY18-22-A Proposal for a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Graphic Design (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY18-23-A Interdisciplinary Minor in Cybercrime (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY18-24-F Conversion of Lecturer to Clinical Track Position (F) Promotion and Tenure Carried Over to Fall '21
AY18-25-F Policy re/conversion of Lecturer to Clinical Track Faculty (F) Promotion and Tenure Carried Over to Fall '21
AY18-26-C Proposed Revisions to the Normal Course Load Policy (to be re-named Enrollment Status Policy) (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY18-27-C Updated Proposed Revisions to the Graduate Assistantship Policy Section on Eligibility (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY18-28-C Proposed Revisions to the Institutional Credit Requirements for Graduate Degrees (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY18-29-C Proposed Revisions to the Prior Learning Assessment Policy at the Graduate Level (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY18-30-C Proposed Revisions to the Graduate Credits by Transfer Policy (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY18-31-C Proposed Revisions to the Graduate Continuance Policy (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY18-32-C Updated Proposed Revisions to the Grauate Tuition Grant/Waiver Policy (C) Graduate Studies Approved
2017-18 Issues

AY17-01-C M.S. Degree in Cybersecurity (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY17-02-B New Policy on Chief Departmental Advisor (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Approved
AY17-03-F Faculty Handbook, section Tenure (policy#1411) (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY17-04-B and C Proposed Changes to the Policy on System of Grading

(C) Graduate Studies

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

AY17-05-B Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Repeating Courses (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Recommended to Reject the Revisions to the Policy
AY17-06-F Procedures for Promotion in Rank Clarifications (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
AY17-07-B Draft Guidelines for Noncredit Courses Simultaneously Offered as Credit (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Approved
AY17-08-G Faculty Teaching Load (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY17-09-C Registration of Graduate Certificate Students (C) Graduate Studies Recommended
AY17-10-E Proposed Changes to the Policy on Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (E) Student Services Recommended
AY17-11-B and C Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Posthumous Degree or Certificate of Recognition or Achievement for Terminally Ill and Deceased Students

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

AY17-12-F Dereliction of Duty (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Recommended
AY17-13-F Provide More Clarity to Section A4i of Evaluation of Scholarly Activity and Research in the Faculty Handbook (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
AY17-14-E Student Complaint Procedure (E) Student Services Recommended
AY17-15-C Multiple Graduate Committees at the College Level (C) Graduate Studies Terminated
AY17-16-C Graduate School Strategic Plan (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY17-17-A Proposal to Change Student Learning Outcomes for General Education Requirement in Information Literacy (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Recommended as amended
AY17-18-G Proposed Changes to the Policy on Conversion of a Non-Tenure Eligible Position to Tenure-Eligible and Appointment to the Rank of Assistant Professor (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved
AY17-19-C Proposed Master of Information and Library Studies Degree Program (C) Graduate Studies Approved
AY17-20-A Proposal for a Bachelor of Science in Public Health (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
AY17-21-F Change to the Schedule (FHB Appendix) for Faculty members appointed mid-year, in their first year. (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
AY17-22-A BS Exercise Science (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
2016-17 Issues
Issue # Title Committee Assignment Status
2016/17-1 Department Chair Tenure (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved


Final Examinations

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure



Changes to Grievance Procedure

(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration



Proposed revisions to the Faculty Handbook policies related to textbooks

(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration



Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Academic and Professional Preparation Requirements for Faculty

(C) Graduate Studies



GPD and Graduate Certification

(C) Graduate Studies



Proposal for a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science

(A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs



Proposal for a Master of Science in Exercise Science

(C) Graduate Studies



Policy on Conversion of a Non Tenure Eligible Position to Tenure-Eligible and Appointment to the Rank of Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor

(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration



Proposal for a Minor in Addiction Treatment and Prevention

(A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs



Non-Tenure Track Clinical Faculty Ranks

(F) Promotion and Tenure



Proposed revisions to the policy on Normal Course Load for Undergraduate Students

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure



Proposed revisions to the Regulations for Continuance for Undergraduate Students

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure



Proposed revisions to the Certificate Policy

(A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs

(C) Graduate Studies



Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Self Supporting Research Professional (SSRP) Positions

(D) Scholarly Activity and Research



Proposal for an M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology

(C) Graduate Studies


2016/17-17 Voting and Minority Opinions in Reappointent and Tenure (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
2016/17-18 Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Certification of Faculty for Graduate Instruction (C) Graduate Studies Approved
2016/17-19 Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Academic and Professional Preparation Requirements for Faculty (C) Graduate Studies Recommended as edited
2016/17-20 Proposed Revisions to the Undergraduate Writing Proficiency Program Requirements and Policies Concerning the Writing Sample Placement Test (WSPT) and Transfer Students (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
2016/17-21 Proposed Changes to the Policy on Second Baccalaureate Degrees (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Withdrawn
2016/17-22 Proposed Changes to the Time Limits for Completion of Graduate Degrees (C) Graduate Studies Approved
2016/17-23 Grade Appeal Policy and Procedures

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

2016/17-24 Proposed Changes to the Policy on Graduate Program Director (C) Graduate Studies Approved
2016/17-25 Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Evaluation of Lecturers, Senior Lecturers, and Master Lecturers (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2016/17-26 Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Evaluation of Service (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2016/17-27 Proposed Changes to the Policy on Evaluation of Scholarly Activity and Research (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2016/17-28 Proposed Changes to the Tenure Policy (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2016/17-29 Proposal for a New Minor in Holocaust and Genocide Studies (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Recommended
2016/17-30 Proposed Revisions to Outcomes for Gen Ed Literature Requirement (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Recommended
2016/17-31 Appointment Procedures and Abolishing Conversions (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Terminated
2015-16 Issues
Issue # Title Committee Assignment Status
2015/16-1 Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Administrators Returning to Faculty Positions
(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration
2015/16-2 Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Emeritus/Emerita Appointments
(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration
2015/16-3 Proposed Revision to the Grade Appeal Procedures

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

(C) Graduate Studies

2015/16-4 Proposed new M.S. Degree Program in Maritime Trade and Supply Chain Management
(C) Graduate Studies
2015/16-5 Notification to Review Committees
(F) Promotion and Tenure
2015/16-6 College Promotion and Tenure Committees Voting on Promotion to Professor
(F) Promotion and Tenure
2015/16-7 Confidentiality of Promotion and Tenure Committee Deliberations
(F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2015/16-8 Proposal for a Graduate School
(C) Graduate Studies
2015/16-9 P & T Committee Representative's Vote
(F) Promotion and Tenure
2015/16-10 Correcting Errors in P & T Letters
(F) Promotion and Tenure
Recommended with edits
2015/16-11 Proposal for a Bachelor of Science in Sport Management
(A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs
2015/16-12 Proposal for a Master of Science in Park, Recreation and Tourism Studies
(C) Graduate Studies
2015/16-13 Proposal for a Master of Science in Sport Management
(C) Graduate Studies
2015/16-14 Energy Engineering Interdisciplinary Minor (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs
2015/16-15 Tenure Review Notifications (F) Promotion and Tenure
2015/16-16 Workload and Student Cap Guidance for Writing Intensive Courses
(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure
Recommended with edit
2015/16-17 Proposed Revisions to the Graduate Policy on GPA and Course Credit Following Separation and Readmission to the Institution
(C) Graduate Studies
2015/16-18 Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Declaration or Change of Major or Program
(C) Graduate Studies
2015/16-19 Proposed Revisions to the Graduate Continuance Policies
(C) Graduate Studies
2015/16-20 Threat Assessment Policy
(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration
2015/16-21 Alignment of Review Schedule in Faculty Handbook Appendix for mid- year appointments
(F) Promotion and Tenure
2015/16-22 Evaluation of Research (F) Promotion and Tenure
Not Approved
2015/16-23 Proposed New Dual Career Resource for Those Hiring Full Time Faculty
(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration
2015/16-24 Proposed Revisions to the Hiring Procedures for Instructional and Administrative Faculty
(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration
2015/16-25 Proposed Changes to the Policy on Final Examinations
(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure
2015/16-26 Proposed Revisions to the Section of the Graduate Assistantships Policy Related to Categories of Graduate Assistants
(C) Graduate Studies
2015/16-27 Proposed Revisions to the Section of the Graduate Assistanships Policy on Appointment Workload
(C) Graduate Studies
Withdrawn by Committee
2015/16-28 Proposed Revisions to the Graduate Policy on Course-Load Distribution
(C) Graduate Studies
2015/16-29 Proposed Revisions to the Graduate Policy on Dissertation Committee
(C) Graduate Studies Approved
2015/16-30 Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Re-Validation of Out of Date Graduate Credit
(C) Graduate Studies Approved
2015/16-31 Proposed Revisions to the Graduate Policy on Thesis Committee
(C) Graduate Studies
2015/16-32 Proposed Revisions to the Graduate Policy on Course Numbering
(C) Graduate Studies
2015/16-33 Proposed Revision to the Policy on the Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness
(F) Promotion and Tenure
2015/16-34 Non- Tenure Track Faculty Advancement
(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration
2015/16-35 Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Additional Graduate Degrees
(C) Graduate Studies
2015/16-36 Proposal for a New Interdisciplinary Minor in Conservation Leadership
(A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Approved
Issue # Title Committee Assignment Status
2014/15-1 Proposal for a PhD in Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences (C) Graduate Studies Approved
2014/15-2 Course Outline Language in Handbook (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Recommended
2014/15-3 Faculty Grievance Policy #1470 Grievance Policy Review Committee Approved
2014/15-4 Faculty Grievance Committee and Hearing Panels: Composition and Procedures #1471 Grievance Policy review Committee Approved
2014/15-5 Norfolk Room Meals Limited to Faculty/Staff (I) Administration, Finance and Academic Support Services Terminated
2014/15-6 Initial Appointment of Teaching and Research Faculty (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2014/15-7 Proposed Amendment to the Faculty Handbook on Tenure p. 51 (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2014/15-8 Tenure Track Positions and Research Faculty Funded by Research Centers (F) Promotion and Tenure Terminated
2014/15-9 Policy on Conversion of an Adjunct Position to Appointment to the Rank of Lecturer (F) Promotion and Tenure Terminated
2014/15-10 Proposed Changes to the Regulations for Continuance (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Approved
2014/15-11 Reappointment or Non-reappointment of Faculty (F) Promotion and Tenure Terminated
2014/15-12 Proposed Revisions to the Evaluation of Teaching Effectiveness (F) Promotion and Tenure Assigned to taskforce for teaching evaluation
2014/15-13 Fitness for Duty Policy (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Recommended


Normal Course Load Requirements for Graduate Students and Graduate Assistants

(C) Graduate Studies



Enrollment Requirements (for Graduate Assistants)

(C) Graduate Studies



Graduate Credit for Old Dominion University Undergraduates

(C) Graduate Studies

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure



Proposed Change to the Policy on Final Examinations

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure



Proposed Policy for the Support of Program Development and Growth in an Online Delivery Format

(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration



Proposed GRA Tuition Waiver/Health Insurance Policy

(C) Graduate Studies



Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Course Outlines

(C) Graduate Studies

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure



Proposal for a New Interdisciplinary Minor in Cybersecurity

(A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs



Proposed Revisions to the Gen Ed Outcomes for Written Communication Skills

(A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs



MS in Maritime Supply Chain Management Proposal

(C) Graduate Studies


2013-14 Issues
Issue # Title Committee Assignment Status
2013/14-1 Proposed Summer schedule 2014 (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Terminated
2013/14-2 Access to All Student Opinion Survey Results for Faculty (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Recommended with an editorial change
2013/14-3 Proposed Revison to the Policy on Tenure (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
2013/14-4 Proposed Revision to the Certificate of Recognition or Achievement for Terminally ill or Seceased Students (B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure Recommended with edits
2013/14-5 Early Consideration for Tenure (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2013/14-6 Proposal for Implementation of the Undergraduate Writing Proficiency Requirement (A) Undergraduate Curriculum and Programs Terminated
2013/14-7 Proposed Changes to the Eminent Scholars Policy (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
2013/14-8 Proposed changes to the Policy on University Professors (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended against proposed changes
2013/14-9 Evaluation of Academic Deans (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2013/14-10 Academic Rank and Promotion in Rank (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended
2013/14-11 Promotion of Non-Tenure Track Faculty (G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Recommended

2013/14-12 doc 1

2013/14-12 doc 2

Proposed Changes to the Certificate Policy (C) Graduate Studies Approved
2013/14-13 Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Certification of Faculty for Graduate Instruction (C) Graduate Studies Approved
2013/14-14 Establishment of a Graduate Teaching Award (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2013/14-15 Evaluation of Teaching: Comparison to Averages (F) Promotion and Tenure


2013/14-16 Enrollment Requirements for Graduate Students (C) Graduate Studies Approved
2013/14-17 Provisional Admission for Graduate Students (C) Graduate Studies Recommended
2013/14-18 Tenure (F) Promotion and Tenure Recommended with an editorial change
2013/14-19 Faculty Evaluations (F) Promotion and Tenure Terminated

2013/14-20 doc 1

2013/14-20 doc 2

2013/14-20 doc 3

Proposed Revisions to the Guidelines on Selection of Named Chairs and Named Professorships (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2013/14-21 Policy on Promotion to Senior Lecturer (F) Promotion and Tenure Terminated
2013/14-22 Policy Requiring CV's in the Initial Appointment with Tenure Process (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2013/14-23 School Closing and on-line courses

(C) Graduate Studies

(B) Undergraduate Academic Policy and Procedure

2013/14-24 Criteria for Full Professorship (F) Promotion and Tenure Approved
2013/14-25 Wording of paragraph under Evaluation of Scholarly Activity and Research in Faculty Handbook A, 4, I is incorrect (F) Promotion and Tenure Withdrawn by submittee

Proposal for Parental Leave for Full-Time Teaching Faculty

(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved

Student Opinion Survey Results

(G) Faculty Status and Remuneration Approved

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