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Department of EnglishLabs & Centers

Writing Center

The Writing Center provides supplemental instruction to help students improve their writing strategies. Instead of providing a proofreading service, we offer tutoring sessions that assist students in learning to proofread their own work, in getting projects started, and in developing the writing process for a paper.

The Writing Center offers 45-minute appointments with graduate student tutors who work with individual students or with groups. Most tutoring sessions are by appointment; walk-in appointments are provided when tutors are not in a scheduled session. For distance students, we use WebEx for online appointments. Students have the option of making standing appointments with tutors once per week for up to four weeks at a time. In addition to tutoring services for undergraduate and graduate students, we will visit classrooms to provide writing lessons and group tutorials.

Location: 1208 Learning Commons (Perry Library)
Contact: (757) 683-4013

Fall 2017, September 5 - December 8

Monday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Computer Labs

Woman at laptop

English Department Instructional Computer Lab

The English Department Instructional Computer Lab (BAL 2019) may be reserved by any English instructor for class meeting times. To sign up for times for your English courses to meet in BAL 2019, please email Dr. Julia Romberger.

This lab has 24 Macintosh stations with software meant to accommodate the incorporation of technology into writing instruction. It is equipped with software to do a variety of new media compostion types including image, sound, and video.

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The Media Park, located in BAL 2027, welcomes graduate students and faculty interested in digital culture, new media, and the digital humanities. To this end, The Media Park may host workshops, seminars, roundtables, or general meetings. Ultimately, we aim to serve as an incubator for new media-related projects by graduate students and/or faculty. Furthermore, The Media Park functions as a graduate student lounge for any graduate student interested in the intersection of the humanities, culture, society, and technology.

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