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President's Corner: A positive state budget plan

Gov. Ralph Northam released his proposed budget for Virginia for the next two years. The budget plan, which must be approved by the Senate and House, helps propel us further toward meeting our most important objectives. (More)

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President's Corner: May 2019

The vice president, who is leaving Old Dominion to lead a university in California, ensured that student success was No. 1 on everyone’s list. (More)

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President's Corner: January 2019

One of the best parts of my job is getting to shake the hand of many graduates who walk across the stage of the Ted Constant Convocation Center. Their elation at reaching their life’s goal after years of challenging work is contagious. (More)

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President's: Corner: January 2018

Every year Old Dominion University graduates thousands of students well-prepared to enhance the workforce. But we believe our responsibility to strengthen the economy of Hampton Roads and Virginia goes far beyond that. (More)

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President's Corner: December 2017

It used to be that college commencements were held only in the heat of May. But for more than 30 years, Old Dominion has also been graduating students in December. (More)

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President's Corner: July 2017

Old Dominion University has two new deans. Both are talented and innovative administrators who also distinguished themselves in the classroom as professors. (More)

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President's Corner: May 2017

This is the time of year when students see the payoff from their hard work and we get to share the euphoria of thousands of graduates in caps and gowns, waving with pride to their loved ones. (More)

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President's Corner: April 2017

The sight of our toughest male athletes and police officers tottering across the campus drew smiles and knowing laughs from some of the women who tried to help them maintain their balance. But the message was strictly serious: Sexual violence is unacceptable. (More)

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President's Corner: February 2017

Today I want to introduce you to perhaps the most significant addition to our campus this semester - our new Education Building, which opened for classes in January. (More)

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President's Corner: January 2017

One day, our country will no longer have hidden figures. But that will happen only if Old Dominion and other stakeholders, from elementary and secondary education to business and industry, commit themselves to clearing the obstacles and equipping students for success. (More)

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President's Corner: October 2016

Old Dominion enjoyed a successful Homecoming last month, and not just because we beat UTSA. The campus was alive with a strong sense of spirit throughout the weekend. (More)

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President's Corner: September 2016

Old Dominion recently started its 87th school year. It was difficult not to feel electrified by the jolt of excitement in the air as we welcomed 6,000 new students to the university. (More)

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President's Corner: August 2016

Augustine “Austin” Agho, our new provost, and Stephanie Adams, our new dean of the Batten College of Engineering and Technology, bring added strengths to Old Dominion while extending our commitment in areas such as community outreach and industry partnerships. (More)

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President's Corner: July 2016

More than 4,000 youngsters will attend one of our summer camps. If that conjures images of children having fun swimming or sharpening their soccer skills, you’re partially right. Our Big Blue Summer Camps include outdoor adventure, arts and crafts, and scavenger hunts, and our Athletics Department holds camps for sports including football, baseball and tennis. (More)

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President's Corner: June 2016

Last month, I introduced you to our study-abroad programs. Now I want to showcase another way that Old Dominion University is maximizing opportunities for students this summer: our efforts to link them with internships. (More)

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President's Corner: May 2016

Old Dominion University will again be the scene of exuberant cheers and selfies next month. In three ceremonies at Ted Constant Convocation Center on May 6 and 7, more than 3,000 students will celebrate the end of their undergraduate or graduate experiences. (More)

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President's Corner: April 2016

Old Dominion University will again be the scene of exuberant cheers and selfies next month. In three ceremonies at Ted Constant Convocation Center on May 6 and 7, more than 3,000 students will celebrate the end of their undergraduate or graduate experiences. (More)

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President's Corner: March 2016

Old Dominion University’s campus is quiet this week. That’s because it’s spring break. Among students’ destinations are Florida and Utah, but not for fun and games. Those are two of the five locations for alternative spring breaks, where our students are working to better the lives of others. (More)

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President's Corner: February 2016

Last week Alicia Garza, co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, spoke at the Ted as part of the President’s Lecture Series. After her speech, she answered questions from audience members, some challenging, others supporting her viewpoint. (More)

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President's Corner: January 2016

Few historical figures have given themselves more thoroughly to serving the public good than the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. This month, ODU honors his legacy with an important discussion and service-related events focused on food security. (More)

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President's Corner: November 2015

Welcome to the inaugural edition of Monarch Mailer, Old Dominion's newest initiative to keep you informed about the people, programs and research that make the University a world-class institution. (More)

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